The Case for a Redesigned Mobile-first Website

If your website is looking a little dated and/or is not mobile-friendly, here is some recent research data.

Current research states that 3 out of 4 online users decide on a company’s credibility based on its website design. The time it takes for a person to decide whether he or she finds your website appealing is 17—50 milliseconds. And more than half of mobile users will leave a non-mobile friendly site immediately.

  • 89% of consumers conduct research online before making a purchase decision
  • 75% of Internet users judge a company’s credibility by its website design
  • 94% of website first impressions are related to its design
  • Internet usage via mobile (at 51%) has surpassed desktop and is expected to continue to grow
  • 67% of Internet users are more likely to purchase a product or service from an organization that has a mobile-friendly site
  • 60% of mobile users who land on a non-mobile friendly site will leave within 3 seconds
  • 63% of companies that switched to a responsive site report an increase in sales

Having a dated-looking and/or non-mobile friendly site can cost significantly in terms of lost business. The cost of building a responsive website is often earned back quickly.

If you would like a no-cost evaluation of your site, give us a call.  We’ll give you the straight scoop.